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Spiritual Knowledge

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About Sorcery

Sorcerers belong to a higher level of supernatural arts. They have been known to possess powers of exorcism, precognition, extrasensory perception, mind reading and control and healing.

Because the human and supernatural realms lie so closely together, wandering spirits and demons often travel to our realm.  Demons can then take possession of a human being.  Revenge, personal destiny, or random selection plays a role in demonic possession. Also, spirits may choose to remain at a location and haunt the area.  As with possession, a haunting occurs for a very specific reason. Not all sorcerers have enough power to dispel these spirits. Only sorcerers who have high level of supernatural power from their system can defeat them.

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Haunting and Demonic Possessions

A haunting is best defined as the continuous presence of spirits, usually wandering ones, in a specific location, structure or dwelling.  Common characteristics indicative of a haunting include, but are not limited to, strange and unseen voices or noises, flickering lights, moving objects, apparitions of ghostly shapes, faces or body parts, and unexplainable opening and closing of doors and windows. In extreme cases, a haunting can include feelings of contact by an unseen being, a sense of being choked or held down as well as being physically moved or thrown.  Demons can also portray to be humans at any time performing any human activity, but wandering spirit or evil spirits cannot do the same.

Generally, the spirit has certain demands.  If an agreement is established, then the haunting ends.  If the spirit is difficult, a warning, or a notice of action, is issued.  Following the notice is a sealing process where the entire structure is sealed with supernatural magic.  This means that spirits present inside the site at the time of sealing can not exit, and no other spirits can gain entrance either unless allowed by the sorcerer who placed the seal. This containment allows the sorcerer to transfer the spirit to another invisible realm, imprison it temporarily or indefinitely, or destroy it. There are generally three items that a sorcerer must have in his possession in order to substantiate his authenticity.  Possession of an altar, the system seal and knowledge of secret calligraphy are proof of a sorcerer’s mastery.

Abandoned Home
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Novice Monks Praying

The Altar

It is the doorway of communication the sorcerer has with his angel, saint or fairy from Heaven.  It also allows him to invest certain energies or powers into sacred ritual objects, allowing him an additional lens or doorway through which to communicate with the spiritual realms.

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The Seal

The seal is the certification of the system that the sorcerer practices.  This symbol is issued by the sorcerer’s master and serves as an authorized certification of the sorcerer’s learning.  This seal can be affixed to cloth, etched in stone and wood or directly onto the body. If affixed to cloth, the size of the seal can range from one handkerchief to as large as three handkerchiefs.  If etched in stone or wood, the seal can span three to four inches. This seal is very important in that the founder of the system usually creates it and hands it through succession from master to disciple during a ceremony similar to graduation.  If a master also has students, a copy of each seal is given to the disciple and students.  The master usually bestows the original seal to his best Disciple.

Japanese Characters
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Meditating Hand Gesture
Sorcerers Calligraphy

The calligraphy represents the spiritual rank of the angel that the sorcerer summons, and it is usually indecipherable to non-sorcerers.  Without knowing the correct names and words, possession of the secret calligraphy is useless. 

After 54 years of dedicated practice, Master Hien now reveals honored secrets once known only by privileged magic practitioners.  While most sorcerers prefer anonymity, ‘Journey of a Healer’ published in 2006 and ‘A Price For A Life’ published in 2012, offers an exciting and rare glimpse into the real world of an authentic master sorcerer. 

Master Hien recounts his amazing battles with ghosts, demons, and evil spirits and takes the reader to places where the supernatural collides with reality. 

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