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Journey of a Healer relates Master Hien's personal and actual accounts of spiritual encounters, demon battles, hauntings, and other displays of supernatural power while explaining the distinction between the various types of magic practitioners and their relative status or rank to each other. His stories will test your boundaries of reality, for they seem to be lifted from fictional works or movie sets. But the stories are real and require the reader to embrace the existence of a spiritual world linked to our own. The author also reveals the grueling commitment demanded of a pupil wishing to become a true practitioner in the art of magic, as the author himself has had extensive first-hand experience.



This book is not meant to entertain you. This book is not about selling as many copies as possible. It is about giving you an understanding of the unseen world around you and teaching you how to have respect for those things. You don't have to be Buddhist, Christian or belong to any denomination to receive the teachings of this book. In this book, you will follow the paths of living individuals as well as departed individuals. You will see how, in our everyday lives, these paths are constantly crisscrossing and effecting one another, You will see the details of how in the East the dead are given just as much respect as When they were alive. The dead still have lives that they lead and still need guidance in the afterlife, A sorcerer is the most qualified individual to help with this guidance, There are also evil sorcerers who take advantage of these departed souls who are looking for help and may use these spirits against the living. This work is written by a real sorcerer who has experienced first-hand accounts of the activities mentioned in this book. You will be very surprised when you see how your loved ones, that passed, might be affecting you right now.


Excerpt from Journey of a Healer

He was brief and to the point. “I will destroy your family if you persist.  I have power to fight against you.  You know I am different.”  He threatened me saying, “I will only give you three days to withdraw.” I replied, “I will wait for you.”

As stated, he visited me in a dream three days later.  I found myself standing on a mountain peak surrounded by six other mountain peaks.  The demonor a soldier stood atop the other peaks. Wind, boulders, and uprooted trees came toward me all at once as I prayed for assistance.  A protective tornado whirlwind came and surrounded me, preventing the demon debris from harming me.  For three nights the battle persisted, then, a minor reprieve occurred. The cease-fire did not last long, however, merely one week.

This time, I found myself at the bottom of a ravine, surrounded by giant animals flying around me on the attack.  I thought for sure that I would perish and never awaken.  No mere angel could help me.  The leader of the system had to cometo my rescue.  I was awestruck to seemulti-colored, circular waves of energy burst from the lead angel’s head to pierce the giant beasts.  Before the demon withdrew, he issued an ominous warning, “I will get my revenge very soon.”

The next evening my wife woke from a disturbing dream.  The demon soldier appeared to her, and a long tongue protruded from his mouth, uncurling menacingly towards her.  She had a pervading sense that the tongue was meant to choke the life out of her.  Before the tongue could reach her, though, an angel appeared to cut tongue and chase the demon away.

Master Hien currently resides in California and humbly offers his assistance to those in need of consultation for exorcism, spiritual advice and healing. 

Unquiet spirits, sorcerers and a Buddhist Monk.

"The book is based on a true story, says the author.
It speaks about spiritual dimensions, the sorcery, the Law of Karma and the atonement for wrongdoings.
I enjoyed very much reading the book but I think that I've learned something important too. The book help me to understand better how the spiritual dimensions are affecting ours lifes and the necessity of an ethical life.
Highly recommended book."

-Anonymous Reader of Price For A Life

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